• -12%Limited
    A Late Sunrise, The Forgotten 18th August by Avijit Roy Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹175.00. Available From at a future date.

    The Indian village of Shibnibash,like some other parts of Bengal became the centre of discord when Pakistan’s flag was hoisted thereon the

    morning of 15th August 1947. Freedom fighter Bivash led the protest
    against the arbitrary decision made during demarcation. The lines were drawn, affecting
    both the Hindus and Muslim people’s emotions, sending their life awry. Fear
    gave birth to disputes, both verbally and physically violent, between
    previously amicable neighbours. This bookventures to explore the long lost
    historical event that’s rankled with inharmonious outcomes.




  • -20%Limited
    Athikopara By Julia dutta Original price was: ₹50.00.Current price is: ₹40.00.

    Chakraborty and son’s publication

    Athikopara is a very good story for anyone from age group of 8 to 80 years! Hence, although it is a book for children, everyone can read it and share with their friends and family. It will attract readers and as Publishers of this title, we are certain that readers will make it a great success for us.

  • -50%Limited
    Beating the Odds: Purple Flame and Dabung Girl: Superhero comic book for kids ( English graphic novel for children ) Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.

    This comic book is a must-read for every child.It features the World’s first dyslexic girl superhero, Purple Flame, who overcomes the obstacles of Dyslexia and helps save people. She not only understands science well but is also an artist who can bring her art to life using her magic pen. Purple Flame, along with Dabung Girl, through engaging stories, builds understanding around the emotions that dyslexics face daily.

    Along with Purple Flame is another Indian superhero, Dabung Girl. She is a fearless hero, who has an elastic body as her superpower. The imagination, creativity, and fun runs throughout the comic.

    Why do millions of children love reading Purple Flame and Dabung Girl comics / graphic novels?
    ★ They inspire us to learn, take action, and be inclusive.
    ★ Presents India’s very own girl superheroes with relatable stories on inclusion.
    ★ Meticulously researched, this book is packed with vivid, carefully created artwork
    ★ Validated by educators as a valuable resource to encourage constructive dialogues.


    Nitya Rathi – A real-life teenage superhero, who is Dyslexic. She co-founded Rebel Girls Initiative, championing the cause of girl empowerment.
    Saurabh Agarwal – An internationally recognized life skills educator who brings in knowledge from Harvard University and has many years of experience in life skills education.

    For the Hindi version of this book click here

    To know more about Dabung Girl visit: https://www.dabunggirl.com/

    To know more about Purple Flame visit: https://www.dabunggirl.com/purpleflame

    10 in stock

  • -13%Limited
    Bisorgo Original price was: ₹160.00.Current price is: ₹140.00.

    Publisher : Boitoi India

    Writer : Soumyadip Chakraborty

    Binding Type : Hardcover

    Language : Bengali

    Publication Year : 2019

    42 in stock

  • -13%Limited
    Biswa Gourab Einstein Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.

    Details about Albert Einstein

  • -50%Limited
    Dabung Girl and Muskaan’s Smile: Superhero comic book for kids on child protection ( English graphic novel for children ) Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.

    In this visually engaging storybook, Muskaan has been facing some issues but is shying away from confiding in her friends and family. How will her smile come back? Is there something that she, her friends, or her parents can do about it? Will Dabung Girl be able to help? This story is centred around the concept of bad touch and protecting children from it. Remember, when the going gets tough, #DabungGirl always shows up! The book is designed in knowledge partnership with Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation.

    This comic book is a must-read for every child. A new Indian superhero is here, and this time, it is a girl superhero, Dabung Girl. She is a fearless hero, who has an elastic body as her superpower. The imagination, creativity, and fun runs throughout the comic.

    Why do millions of children love reading Dabung Girl comics / graphic novels?
    ★ She inspires them to learn, take action, and break stereotypes
    ★ Presents India’s very own girl superhero with relatable stories
    ★ Meticulously researched, packed with vivid, carefully created artwork

    ♥ “I wanted my daughter to read things that inspire her to strive for success, that fuel her imagination and nurture her creative spirit! I am thankful to Dabung Girl for giving her a superhero she deserves!” – A caring mother
    ♥ Apart from winning hearts, Dabung Girl is also winning several awards. Dabung Girl is also the winner of the best emerging comic book series for children at the prestigious CBAM Awards 2021


    Saurabh Agarwal – An internationally recognized life skills educator who brings in knowledge from Harvard University and has many years of experience in life skills education.

    Abhishek Singh – A global storyteller and an ex-management consultant with over a decade of experience across health, communications, media, and social sectors.

    Other spellings: Dabang Girl , Dabangg Girl , दबंग गर्ल

    For the Hindi version of this book click here

    To know more about Dabung Girl visit: https://www.dabunggirl.com/

    10 in stock

  • -20%Limited
    Ishwarer Apon Deshe [Mahua Mallick] (Bengali, Hardcover, Rupam Prakashani) Original price was: ₹260.00.Current price is: ₹208.00.

    Author: Mahua Mallick

    Publisher: Rupam Prakashani

    Binding: HARDCOVER

    Year: 2022

  • -10%LimitedSold Out
    KOBITAR SOHOR Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.


    a collection of love relating poems

    Editor : Sourav Bisai

    Out of stock

  • -12%Limited
    Mohakaler Chiriyakhana by Avijit Kumar Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹88.00. Available From at a future date.

    জন্মের পর থেকে এতদিন জীবনকাল ধরে হেঁটে আসতে আসতে যা কিছু অভিজ্ঞতা, যা
    কিছু অনুভূতি সঞ্চয় করা হয়েছে তাই দিয়ে নিজের ইচ্ছে মত রচিত হয়েছে
    শব্দের কুটির। এত ভিড়ের মাঝে নিজেকে যখন এই কুটিরের দরজায় পৌঁছে দেওয়া যায়, একটা নম্র শান্তি অনুভূত হয়। নিঃশ্বাসের প্রতিটা স্পর্শ হাত দিয়ে
    ছুঁয়ে দেখতে পারা যায়। কবির প্রথম কাব্যগ্রন্থটিতে রইল তার বানানো কিছু শব্দের
    কুটির। বিলাসবহুল না হলেও মাটির মত স্নিগ্ধ আপনতা রয়েছে।

  • -12%Limited
    Oshoririr Artonad Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹132.00.

    ভূতের গল্প-কবিতা সংকলন

  • -15%Limited
    Panchabhut Edited by Binod Ghosal Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹187.00.

    Publisher : Tramline India

    Author : Binod ghoshal

    Binding Type : Hard Cover

    Language : Bengali

    • 10 short stories on 5 elements of nature
  • Bestseller!-17%Limited
    Purba Paschim (Akhondo) | (Bengali, Hardcover, Sunil Gangopadhyay) Original price was: ₹1,200.00.Current price is: ₹1,000.00.

    Author: Sunil Gangopadhyay

    Language: Bengali

    Publisher: Ananda

    Binding: Hardcover

  • -50%Limited
    SuperAvni & The Invisible Challenge: Superhero comic book ( English graphic novel ) Original price was: ₹199.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.

    A must-read comic book about SuperAvni, a young superhero, who handles the challenge of cyber bullying in this story. She is a social impact influencer and a rebel that youth can relate to. If you have not read it yet, you are missing something!

    Who is SuperAvni? SuperAvni is a next-gen superhero who combines empathy and technology to fight modern-day challenges. SuperAvni might be a superhero, but just like each one of us, she has a vulnerable aspect to her. Every time she uses next-gen empathy to connect with someone and feel their emotions, she is left drained. Her energy level falls drastically, and there is just one way she can regain her strength… food and music!

    Why do millions of children love reading SuperAvni comics / graphic novels?
    ★ She inspires them to learn, take action, and break stereotypes
    ★ Presents India’s very own girl superhero with relatable stories
    ★ Meticulously researched, this book is packed with vivid, carefully created artwork
    ★ Validated by educators as a valuable resource to encourage constructive dialogues

    ♥ Apart from winning hearts, SuperAvni is also winning several awards. SuperAvni won best comic book of the year award at CBAM awards 2021 by Animationxpress.


    Saurabh Agarwal – An internationally recognized life skills educator who brings in knowledge from Harvard University and has many years of experience in life skills education.

    Abhishek Singh – A global storyteller and an ex-management consultant with over a decade of experience across health, communications, media, and social sectors.

    Other spellings: Super Avni , सुपर अवनी , सुपरअवनी

    For the Hindi version of this book click here

    To know more about Dabung Girl visit: https://www.dabunggirl.com/

    10 in stock

  • -12%Limited
    Swapno Tori by Md Ejaj Ahamed Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹88.00. Available From at a future date.

    কাব্যগ্রন্থে প্রকৃতি প্রেমের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে মানবিক প্রেম এবং সাম্প্রতিক
    দেশ তথা সমাজের বাস্তব চিত্র দক্ষতার সঙ্গে  সুনিপুনভাবে তুলে ধরা হয়েছে।
    সেই সঙ্গে মনের দ্বন্দ্ব, দ্বেষ, দুঃখ আনন্দ এবং সমাজে চলতে থাকা দুঃখ
    -দুর্দশা, অসহিষ্ণুতা, ভেদাভেদ, অন্যায় ইত্যাদি মানসিক ও সামাজিক
    ব্যাধিগুলি জহুরীর চোখে দেখে এবং সেগুলি থেকে উত্তরণের পথ দেখিয়ে
    বিশ্বসৌভ্রাতৃত্ব ও মানবতার জয় গান করা হয়েছে এই কবিতার বইটিতে। এই বইটিতে
    বিভিন্ন ধরনের কবিতা যেমন হাইকু, লিমেরিক, আটপৌরে, ট্রায়োলেট, রঁদো, রঁদেল
    ইত্যাদি কবিতা প্রেমিদের এক অন্যান্য স্বাদ এনে দেবে বলে আশা করা যায়।

  • -8%LimitedSold Out
    Tantrabhilashir Sadhusanga (AKHONDO) [PRAMODKUMAR CHATTOPADHYAY] Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹550.00.


    Publisher – Biswabani Prakashani

    Language – Bengali

    Binding – Hardcover

    Out of stock

  • -35%Limited
    The Best of Dostoevsky Boxed Set – Timeless Masterpieces of Fyodor Dostoevsky | Crime and Punishment | The Idiot | Brothers Karamazov Original price was: ₹3,199.00.Current price is: ₹2,079.00.

    Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky

    Publisher: Fingerprint

    No. of Pages: 2220

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